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Storing Capsicums
Over-wintering Chilli Plants
Vegetable Seeds
Globe Artichoke Seeds
- Artichoke: Imperial Star
- Artichoke: Romanesco
Aubergine Seeds
- Aubergine: Baluroi F1
Bean Seeds
Broad Bean Seeds
French Bean Seeds
Dwarf French Bean Seeds
Climbing French Bean Seeds
Runner Bean Seeds
Beetroot Seeds
Broccoli Seeds
Sprouting Broccoli
Heading Broccoli
Brussels Sprout Seeds
Cabbage Seeds
Calabrese Seeds
Capsicum (Pepper) Seeds
Chilli Pepper Seeds
Sweet Pepper Seeds
Bell Pepper Seeds
Non-Bell Pepper Seeds
Carrot Seeds
Cauliflower Seeds
Celeriac Seeds
Celery Seeds
Chard Seeds
Chilli Seeds
Courgette Seeds
Cucumber Seeds
Florence Fennel Seeds
Green Manure Seeds
Herb Seeds
Kale Seeds
Kohl Rabi Seeds
Leek Seeds
Lettuce Seeds
Cos Lettuce Seeds
Crisp or Batavia Lettuce Seeds
Loose Leaf Lettuce Seeds
Roundhead Lettuce Seeds
Marrow Seeds
Melon Seeds
Okra Seeds
Onion Seeds
Spring Onion Seeds
Standard Sized Onion Seeds
Oriental Vegetable Seeds
Parsnip Seeds
Pattypan Squash Seeds
Pea Seeds
Shelling Peas
Mangetout Peas
Snap Peas
Physalis (Tomatillo) Seeds
Pumpkin Seeds
Radish Seeds
Salad Leaf Seeds
Salsify Seeds
Scorzonera Seeds
Shallot Seeds
Sorrel Seeds
Spinach Seeds
Sweet Pepper Seeds
Swede Seeds
Sweetcorn Seeds
Tomato Seeds
Large Fruiting Tomato Seeds
Red and Pink Tomato Seeds
White/Yellow/Orange Tomato Seeds
Medium Fruiting Tomato Seeds
Red and Pink Tomato Seeds
Yellow and Orange Tomato Seeds
Small Fruiting Tomato Seeds
Red and Pink Tomato Seeds
Yellow and Orange Tomato Seeds
Black/Green Tomato Seeds
Turnip Seeds
Winter Squash Seeds
Vegetable Plug Plants
Aubergine plug plants
Chilli plug plants
Chilli Pepper plug plants
Courgette plug plants
Cucumber plug plants
Melon plug plants
Physalis plug plants
Sweet Pepper plug plants
Non-Bell Pepper plug plants
Bell Pepper plug plants
Tomato plug plants
Large Fruiting Tomato plug plants
Red and Pink Tomato plug plants
Yellow and Orange Tomato plug plants
Medium Fruiting Tomato plug plants
Red and Pink Tomato plug plants
Yellow and Orange Tomato plug plants
Small Fruiting Tomato plug plants
Red and Pink Tomato plug plants
Yellow and Orange Tomato plug plant
Black and Green Tomato plug plants
Winter Squash plug plant
Flower Seeds
Useful Flower Seeds
Annual and Biennial Flower Seeds
Perennial Flower Seeds
Capillary Matting
Plant Labels
Plant Ties
Plant Support Clips
- Plant Support Clips
Trellis Netting
Tomato Truss Support Clips
Tying Tube
- Vermiculite - large pack
- Vermiculite - Minipak
Gift Vouchers