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Courgette plug plants

Seedlings should be potted on into good sized pots (1 to 2 litre depending on how long they need to be kept potted) and should not be planted outside until all danger of frost is over.

Summer squash (pattypans) are listed in the Pattypan section.

Courgette: Atena Polka F1 plug plant

(5 or fewer) £2.30  each(6 or more) £2.10  each


Courgette: Midnight F1 plug plant

(5 or fewer) £2.30  each(6 or more) £2.10  each


Courgette: PreciozaF1 plug plant

(5 or fewer) £2.30  each(6 or more) £2.10  each


Courgette: Safari F1 plug plant

(5 or fewer) £2.30  each(6 or more) £2.10  each
